Even After Death - Chapter 1155

Chapter 1155


Chapter 1155

Rustling sounds came from behind, indicating that the two had claimed the seats.

Olivia’s senses caught that intimidating gaze even without her looking back.

As if someone had her at gunpoint, she didn’t dare to act recklessly. Pins and needles of uneasiness poked her skin.

It was fortunate that Warren was a quiet man.

“Linus, how long are you going to be in the city for?” asked the female voice, so soft that it could stimulate one’s sense of protectiveness

Linus replied impassively, “Please remain silent when the show is ongoing.”

Olivia was rendered speechless, thinking, “Behold the most insensitive man in the world. No wonder he’s still single in h

Her heart suddenly swelled in gratitude as she reflected on the

Although Ethan had a cold disposition at that time, he treated her gently and with care. He would never blurt such words to her either

Considering how difficult it was to enjoy a date with Linus, she wished Linus’ date the best.

As Olivia expected, the woman didn’t speak further. Only music filled their ears.

From the moment he entered the audience seats, Linus felt a gaze

from the front focusing on him.

But whenever he raised his eyes, that woman had cast her attention to the front.

Sitting behind her, he could only see the back of her head and a pair of pearl earrings hanging from her ears.

A faint scent wafted his nose seconds after he claimed his seat and his eyes brightened.

It smelled like herbs! It smelled like Vanessa’s natural body scent!

Wondering if she was here as well, he scrutinized the area. There were women around him, but none of them was her.

Linus didn’t know much about women. Could it be that it was a popular perfume brand among the ladies?

Spending most of his time with men gave him the initial idea that it was a distinct natural scent of Vanessa’s.

After all, the women he interacted with before had the inclination t wear perfume.

It smelled either graceful, strong, or fruity, but never like herbs.

The only face he didn’t check was the woman sitting right in front of him.

An icy sensation traced down Olivia’s spine, and her hair stood on end. She wondered if it was her mere delusion.

“Man, it’s hard to ignore his presence,” she inwardly exclaimed.

What would the Heaths do to her when they found out that she was

Olivia Fordham? That she had been deceiving them with a fake


If she had known that today wasn’t her lucky day, she wouldn’t have asked Warren to meet up.

She basically dug her own grave.

When the music show ended, Olivia gracefully rose to her feet to blend in with the crowd.

Despite her fast pace, Linus had zeroed in on her.

“Linus, wait up! Slow down!” His date lifted the hem of her dress, trying to catch up with him in her heels but to no avail.

Olivia, acting as if nothing was wrong, said to Warren, “Sorry, but I need to go to the washroom.”

“Okay. I’ll go start the car first. I’ll wait for you by the road.”

She then dashed to the ladies’, cooping herself inside for ten minute

When she figured that Linus had left with his date, she strode out of the washroom gracefully.

Right then, a shuffling sound could be heard.

It belonged to the rolling of a lighter’s sparkwheel!

She looked across her shoulder instinctively and met a pair of cold


It was Linus!

His eyes caught every nuance of her expression.

It was possible for him to recognize Ethan’s ex-wife, but Olivia had never seen him with this face.

The notion settled her nerves, and she attempted to shift her gaze calmly.

“Wait up,” he stopped her.

